Elitehaus- Top Doberman Breeder

Nymph is a beautiful daughter of our Galileo and Honor. She is a pretty girl that is very affectionate and fun.

Elitehaus Nagini Galileo vom Noblesshof IGP3 CH Chacco-Blue vom Noblesshof IGP3 CH Zordan vom Noblesshof IPO3 CH, IDC Sieger Eutay del Nasi IPO1, ZTPV1A
Della Sidarta vom Noblesshof IPO1
Wardruna vom Noblesshof CH Paquito di Perlanera BH, ZTPV1A, HDK Breeding test
Narina vom Noblesshof
Alexia vom Noblesshof CH Tekai von Mrdak IPO1 CH Hazar di Altobello BH, ZTP
Ch Alexia v Markischen Leo
Gloria vom Noblesshof CH Nanuk vom Noblesshof IPO2
Olympia Maya vom Noblesshof BH
Lone Star Prides Meant to be v Saunivlprokop AKC GCH Saunivs American Idol Simon WAC GCHP Marienburgs Spec Ops Commando Ch Foxfire All Star LC-10D
Ch Marienburgs Inaqui Sukiyaki
Delroz Shes a Miracle v Sauniv WAC Ch Trotyl de Black Shadow WAC
Ch Saunivs Mayan Gold v Delroz CGC
Coco Chanel XVII JR World Winner Semper Fidelis Im in Charge CGC CH Pride of Russia Kaspij IPO1, ZTPV1A
CH Come As You Are Tiffany IPO1
Von Adalwolf Lady Greta Guardian Angel Red Baron
Lady Xena of Richards
Pedigree generated by PedigreeQuery.com